FrackFreeGenesee's Informational Pamphlet
On Home Rule
Natural gas from fracking could be 'dirtier' than coal, Cornell professors find
Tompkins County Community Impact statement
Gas and Oil well data base for NYS (the ones we know about)
Methane and the Greenhouse-Gas Footprint of Natural Gas from Shale Formations
Feds Link Water Contamination to Fracking for the First Time
EPA Finds high Levels of Benzene in Wyoming Aquifer
Home Owners and Gas Drilling Leases: Boon or Bust?
Informational Maps for the Geneseo Area by Ben Wunder
Informational Maps for the Dansville Area by Ben Wunder
List of chemicals used in fracking fluid
Local Officials Expose Their Town to Unnecessary Risk
Map of current Hydrofracking bans, moratoriums, and resolutions
Methane Contamination in Drinking Water from Hydrofracking
Moratorium for the Town of Jerusalem
A Sampling of Municipalities and Key Organizations in Varied Locations Opposed to Hydrofrack Drilling
A sample of what the are gas companies are telling our kids about hydrofracking.
Wide Area Informational Maps for The Finger Lakes Region by Ben Wunder
We've seen heavy industry mess up before, Effects of the 1994 Retsof Salt Mine Collapse
Newspaper Articles Showing the Dangers of Fracking
Powerful Pipes, Weak Oversight pipelines in P.A.
With U.S. Natural Gas Booming, a Move to Send It Overseas
ncreased crime near fracking
Gas Wells and Mortgage Conflict
The Great Natural Gas Export Swindle
Polluting Surface Water
Recycling Wastewater?
U.S. Government Confirms Link Between Earthquakes and Hydraulic Fracturing
What Killed Dunkard Creek? Residents in Pennsylvania and West Virginia say fracking is to blame.
Where's the regulation?
Tools for Presenters
Fracking Presentation, please read the note enclosed