Frack Free Genesee Library
Here are some tips on using the FrackFreeGenesee Library.
1. Direct access: you can bookmark this page for direct access to the library:
2. The Library is a collection of materials for use by the general public looking for hard-to-find news; information; political; legal; judicial; science; scientific literature bibliographies; data (such as maps, tables and regulators' information; and regulatory activity; gas industry news and developments, business & economics, etc. The primary focus of materials in the library are those of interest to anti-fracking activists, though critical articles from pro-frackers as well as critiques of fracking will be found.
3. The collection is divided into Subject Matter Collections, which are displayed along the left margin of the library window. Most of these collections have sub-collection folders. So if you have an area of interest, you may well find it simply by looking up the right Collection and Subcollection. Articles of interest in more than one collection are often cross-posted in other collection(s).
4. Using the library tools. There are three main tools you can use to find materials of interest. To use these tools most effectively, be sure that the whole library is selected by clicking on "Library", directly above the first Collection Folder. If you search within a collection, only items in that collection will be searched.
5. Each article in the library is tagged with several labels denoting specific discussions in the article. These leading tags are displayed below the Collection folders (and this list can be expanded by hitting the (More) link at the bottom of the list. You can find all library contents with one or more tags by selecting them from this list. Or if you know what you want, try just type all or part of it into the tag selection window. For instance, if you are unsure of how to spell "Halliburton Loophole," typing in "burton" will bring all the tags containing those letters. Hover your pointer over each tag displayed and the full tag text will be displayed, along with the number of items tagged.
6. The Search window is located near the top right-hand corner of the library page. You can search on any displayable field. To see which fields are displayable, look at the main display, in the center of the page. The field names are listed. To the far right and above the row of field names is an icon labelled "Library Settings." You can choose any combination of fields to be displayed, and searched.
7.When you select a citation, its tags are listed below the information window. Clicking on any tab will give you a list of all citations tagged with that one.
If you select one of the resulting items, you can select another tag on that citation, and the resulting citation list will be of all those with both tags. (To clear a tag, go to the left-hand Tags list and deselect the one you want to eliminate by clicking on it.)
Another way to use this feature is to collect a list of citations which have a selection of tags that relate to different aspects. For instance if you find an article of interest that is tagged "Injection Well" you can select it, then select "Ohio"in the left-hand Tags list.
Using Tags: Here are a couple of tips on making the library's tags work best:
1. In order to look for other tags not shown, hit the "More" button at the bottom of the list. Then you will be able to type in your tag, and the page will use auto-complete to show you everything that contains what you've typed so far.
When you've found a list of citations using one (or more) tags, and you have selected one to view, the only way to get back to that list of citations is by using your browser's Back Button! Hey, I didn't design this thing, I just run the joint! :o[
Write me, Dwain Wilder, your friendly Reference Librarian, with any questions about using the library: