Week of February 4th
Week of Local Actions to Oppose Fracking
Support a Ban!
Week of Local Actions to Oppose Fracking
Support a Ban!
Rally in Support of Town of Avon and Home Rule
- Monday, February 4th
- 9:30 am to 11:30 am
- Front Lawn of Livingston County Courthouse N. end of Main St., Geneseo, NY 14454
Frack Free Genesee and New Yorkers Against Fracking in
support of the right of the Town of Avon and any other town in New York to
make their own decisions regarding natural gas drilling and other forms
of resource extraction in their area!
We will be hosting a rally and press conference on the lawn in front of the court house. Speakers will be highlighting the ways in which they have been or would be affected by the introduction of HVHF to their local areas.
Peaceful gathering, local speakers and theatrical shenanigans.
Event happening simultaneously with important court hearing: Lenape Resources vs Town of Avon in Courthouse Chambers
The Town of Avon is being sued over their passage of a moratorium on High Volume Hydraulic Fracking (HVHF). More information on the case here:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2012/11/29/lenape-resources- lawsuit_n_2212366.html
and here:
http://www.geneseesun.com/inde x.php/livingston566736358/ avon/2174-court-date-set-for- lenape-hydrofracking-lawsuit
We will be hosting a rally and press conference on the lawn in front of the court house. Speakers will be highlighting the ways in which they have been or would be affected by the introduction of HVHF to their local areas.
Peaceful gathering, local speakers and theatrical shenanigans.
Event happening simultaneously with important court hearing: Lenape Resources vs Town of Avon in Courthouse Chambers
"The citizens of NYS WILL NOT be bullied by the Goliaths of the Gas Industry!"
We are many and we stand in solidarity!
We are many and we stand in solidarity!
The Town of Avon is being sued over their passage of a moratorium on High Volume Hydraulic Fracking (HVHF). More information on the case here:
and here:
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